Our August session once again proved that contrast and diversity is the very stuff of our photographic life.
The first contribution of the evening came from Gerry McCulloch. Gerry interpreted what’s best described as the visual equivalent of ‘lacuna’ – that’s to say the intended space between ‘notes’ or in this case, the elements in an implied narrative. In contrast, Richard Broomfield’s ‘Pride 2024’ was definitely about ‘the notes’ or in this case the many flamboyant personalities in this annual celebration of ‘gay pride’.
People remained the principle focus for Dr. Charles Ashton in his depiction of ‘A Sunny Day in Oxford’. Street photography also provided the happy hunting ground for Nigel Reader through his distinctive set of black and white studies.
There was contrast again as Tessa Mills swept us north to the lonely beaches and wild weather of the Scottish west coast. Details of an internal urban landscape were provided by Geoff Hicks through his contemplative exploration of an old workhouse whilst Bob Oakley’s look at and through a variety of windows took us both inside and out.
Lucy Allum continued to explore her love of flowers and their intrinsic natural design whilst Bob Green combined images in multiple-exposure to create abstract designs from largely urban elements. Meanwhile, Clive Haynes maintained his quirky and frequently revealing topic about what can be discovered behind the scenes in churches.
As usual, we enjoyed two ‘outside sources’. A series of beautiful coastal landscapes by Ruth Grindrod.
Link: Ruth Grindrod
To provide yet another contrast, in his retrospective exhibition, ‘Measuring Time’, Jeffrey A Wolin revealed how text can be included within the image to add depth and emotional significance.
Link: Measuring Time
All members’ work from our session can be seen in our Viewpoint e-book for this month. Click on the image below or this link: Viewpoint and choose the August 2024 edition. The same link provides access to many previous issues of ‘Viewpoint’ - a fascinating treasure-trove waiting for you to explore!
The next CPG meeting will be on Thursday, 5th September.