Worcestershire Camera Club meets face to face at Bishop Allenby Hall, remotely via Zoom, or at the British Legion Claines, with a starting time of 19:30. The meeting location is specified in the programme pages. SIG members will receive emails confirming their meeting location - SIG information can be found here. In case of difficulties accessing online meetings, please contact the Zoom Team (
September 2024
Colin Jarvis - "A Portrait of The Landscape"
I have worked as a photographer and educator for many years and my experience as a teacher brings together my passion, skills and love of photography with the ability to easily communicate and teach photography at every level in my workshops, whether the client is a beginner or more experienced practitioner.
Location: Zoom.
Website: https:/https:/colinjarvis.co.uk/
(Meeting hosts Clive Haynes and Tessa Mills)
Location: Zoom.
Glyn Edmunds - "Wildlife & Conservation"
Although I am a wildlife photographer at heart, I am also a generalist, rather than a pure specialist, and my favourite is African wildlife, which this site is dedicated to. I shoot a wide range of styles and genres. I put the emphasis on quality with my images, but quality is a big word and can mean many different things, although it always comes from the skill and technical knowledge of the photographer. People sometimes ask, “what is quality?” It is very hard to describe quality, as it includes sharpness, contrast, composition, colour and depth of field, to name just a few, but however you measure it, it is always visible and makes the image stand out!
Location: Bishop Allenby Hall.
Website: https://www.glynedmunds.co.uk/index.html/index.html
(Meeting host Duncan Locke)
Location: Royal British Legion, Claines.
George Robertson - "Karakorum Mountains of Pakistan"
An award winning Photographer, International Mountain Leader and World Traveller based near Glasgow, Scotland. My images are not limited to the mountains and I enjoy photographing travel, landscape, wildlife and street.
Location: Zoom.
Website: https://georgerobertsonphotography.com/home/projects
Hand in for PDI 1 Competition Closes 17th September
(Meeting host Martin Addison)
Location: Royal British Legion, Claines.
PDI Competition 1 - "Judge: Kim Walton"
Location: Bishop Allenby Hall.
(Meeting host Steve Chilton)
This months meeting will have a new recruit to the AV Sig, Geoff Hicks, presents on his experience of returning to AV creation after many years and the use of PTE for the First time. Together with sequences created by members.
Location: Zoom.